Creators of GOD

I was watching  Astronomy Picture of the Day 18-June-2017 - Saturn from Cassini.
and these thoughts followed:

1. Ever since I can remember I wanted to understand everything, to know all the mechanisms.
2. And a desire to be in control of everything.

Does the former originate from the latter? I don't know. May be the 2 are totally unrelated.
But both exist.

And (maybe as a weird combination of the two,) exists as a desire to play with everything.
for ex. In the above video we only get some glimpses of Saturn. Also despite this being closest mankind has ever got to Saturn, it feels like being made to read a newspaper kept in the drawing room from the kitchen. You can only barely read the headlines. But you see enough to know that there's lot more than what you see. And I feel like I am missing out on a lot of sensational detail. Maybe there's a stunning cartoon in one of the corners and I cannot enjoy it.

Then there's the curiosity about what is not seen; the other side, the insides, the details of the surface. This creates a sudden urge to take Saturn in hand, turn it over or cut it to pieces and see for myself....

I have similar desires for everything... I want to throw planets around, open some up. cut the stars, taste the black holes and turn galaxies into frisbees, crumple them, tear them, open the earth and look at the core, use a giant thermometer to measure the temperature of core, cut it and see what's inside of it, slice Mt Everest vertically and look at the folded mountains (and see if it looks like what was shown in my class IXth geography text book), see every species that exists, know its biology, natural history, travel in time to see the evolution happening and see for myself if it ever really happened, pet the dinosaurs and the bacteria all at once, enter the atom, grab the nucleus and tease out protons and   .. and the list goes on.
I can only list desires related to things that I know thus far.. but I don't like being limited to my knowledge nor do I want to be locked into this tiny, or at times too big and hopelessly clumsy body of mine and not even be confined to the present.

Of course I know that all of this is impossible, and that's why it hurts...  the feeling of being incomplete in every sense is quite unsettling. And perhaps this is why, thousands of people like me - in every era and in every culture - have created GOD !


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